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From this App you can learn:Discuss and explore the phenomenon of reflection of light based on various observations in daily life.Understand the concept of refractive Index by observing simple experiments related to daily life scenarios.Investigate and distinguish between reflection and refraction of light using simple observations of daily life.Examine the laws of refraction and incorporate them to understand the dual nature of light.Examine the image formation in plane mirrors for different cases.Explore the types of reflections formed in convex and concave mirrors: expand its use in various applications like telescopes, side mirrors of vehicles.Analyze the importance of diffused reflection.More details please visit"" hosts concept oriented content in Maths & Sciencesspecially designed for K-6 to K-12 grades. "Simplyscience enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented, visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The content is aligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use Simplyscience as areference material to be more creative in designing engaging learningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate in their childsdevelopment through Simplyscience".This topic covers under Chemistry subject as a part of the Waves And Optics topicand this topic contains following sub topicsReflectionLaws of reflectionImage formation in plane mirrorsConcave and convex mirrors